Many folks pick their nose. They also attempt to pick their children’s mates, their friends clothes, and a fight with anyone mentioning meddling. Thank you, […]
Most folks refuse to smell fishy. They apply all sorts of masking and blinder type devices to ensure only approved olfactory curiosities attend their party. […]
Most folks don’t know what they offer. They provide service, labor, attention, comprehension, learning, emulation, anticipation, contemplation, reflection, culmination, ability, force, attraction, communion, satisfaction and […]
Most folks have comrades. They unfortunately seldom have the calibre of friend whom will guide them with a lotsa carrot and no stick. Thank you, Larry […]
Many folks play their cards close. They bury their emotions nine dermises deep and pin pricks, medium size pricks and even sometimes big pricks will […]
Most folks think about themselves. They don’t usually realize how much they think of them self though on account of they got nobody for comparison. […]
Most folks need support. They must hear another’s voice, sense another’s movement and acceptance goddammit, they need acceptance. Thank you, friend. Barry out.