You thought Santa existed.
The Easter Bunny was real.
You think that votes are all counted.
Voting levels the field.
You bet that they like you lots.
You accomplish! You say…
But these folks don’t have
Two shits to give…
Sure, they’ll ask if you go away.
Where’s whatcha-ma-callit?
Are they on the clock?
Are they absent today?
And then they will think
Even if they don’t say,
They better be here…
They better come work…
We must have that effort.
Or someone gets hurt!
And it sure wont be us!
We are the bosses!
We count the losses
When beggars don’t show.
And if we can’t tame them
They soon gonna know
The cutting edge.
Bleeding edge.
Of a bloody, now well oiled machine.
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