Heya I’m Barry From You Know: TranceCivilAnyovYa

Oh uh, hi there!

Ya kind of caught me off guard there.

Wasn’t expecting you.

Or anything.

Thank you, friend.

Barry out.

Hawkins had originally intended to record “I Put a Spell on You” as a refined love song, a blues ballad. He reported, however, that the producer “brought in ribs and chicken and got everybody drunk, and we came out with this weird version.[4] I don’t even remember making the record. Before, I was just a normal blues singer. I was just Jay Hawkins. It all sort of just fell in place. I found out I could do more destroying a song and screaming it to death.”


Alice Cooper and a bunch of other fucked up folk’s dad:http://books.google.com/books?id=ag4EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA8#v=onepage&q&f=false

Barry Williams http://barry-williams.com/blog

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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