I was hallucinating away the other day and this fucking wasp starts buzzing around me.
Mr. multiple stinger carrier wasped right into my outer ear, my eyes and my mouth.
I had to close them or I would have been legally wasp raped by the little beggar
but I went along with his trying to find some way into my skull.
No auditory hallucination occurred other than I imagined there was some
kind of gratitude for understanding the value of all life, no matter the
size of the life-holder but my wife, as she witnessed the incident
said, “Holy shit, those fucking wasps sure like you.”
They sure seem to.
I wonder why…
Thanks pal.
Wasps can be our friend. Can be.
I was nearly party to a murder then saved a wasp’s life a few days earlier and have a witness to that crime. I was able to talk my accomplice into letting the wasp go free and the beggar came back! (the wasp, I haven’t seen my friend since the caper)
I know these ain’t wasps. Still cool though…
Good hacking buddy.
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