Let's say you're one of those folks who has never vaped potty pot pot. Well, smartypants, that's not going to help you here much is it?!
Get your tickets ready please!
Oh uh, hello there. How you doing?
Listen, my name is Barry and I'm the Conductor on this train so if you need anything, you just ask me, okay?
The bathrooms are right over there and please, pick up after yourself on account of I clean the place, too.
And uh, seeing as you're not from around here I'll just tell you straight out - although every story you might hear on this train is true, some stories are "truer" than others, if you can read between the rails...
Anyway, thanks for stopping by and, y'all come back now, y'hear?
Have a grand day, friend.
Barry Williams
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
The title of this story was thunk up by Jimmy Russel The third or forth of Regina, Saskatchewan on November 21, 2013.
Caused both myself and my wife to have a paradigm shift even though we were in different rooms. She made an unconscious verbal recognition sigh and so did eye. Two people responding emotionally to a young person speak some universal truth.
Jimmy Russel the third or forth is a game changing dude.
happiness without.
Everything depends on happiness being without.
That shit can’t hide inside.
Away from Walmart.