The Ghost In Our Machine Is Us

baby drooling

Drool: Day thirty-seven so sweet & cute and Day twenty nine thousand you disgusting old beggar

What matters most – the message or it’s delivery system?

Marshall McLuhan said the medium WAS the message and yep, I agree with him in the same fashion that hopping into a car or boarding a train actually means someone is going somewhere we want to go.

Once things are in motion we take our chances that we’ll actually achieve what we’ve initiated even though that conviction matters little to the outcome.

In this same fashion, professional gamblers don’t care for one second that the “house” is raking off 27 percent.

They work with the remaining 73 points. That’s a big enough playground for them.

Every clued-in gamester recognizes the inherent risks in any arena and fully comprehends that believing in equality is not only delusional but quite counterproductive.

They know that suckers are an abundant & hardy breed so the majority of their focus is on the game which takes care of itself and it’s caretakers.

And the system is more intelligent about the players than they are about themselves.

Making the noticers more worthy than them noticed.

Like a parade with no paraders.

Thank you, friend.

Barry out.

image sans courtesy:



Barry Williams

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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  1. 1
    Barry Williams

    I am attempting to write three dimensionally. On several levels. The hambone connected to the axe bone and all that.

    That’s why some of my shite don’t make sense upon the first ten readings,mom.

  2. 2
    Barry Williams

    How I roll:

    1. Jot down an idea no matter how friggin stupid it is.
    2. Publish that idiotic musing.
    3. Attempt to unstupify the story through live editing as an intelligent idea hopefully begins to emerge.
    4. Bury really retarded stories with other less retarded stories by repeating number 1.

  3. 4
    Barry Williams

    Okay, NOW I get the gist of this story.

    We are cogs in gears and if enough cogs don’t show up, the gear stops.

    One properly stopped gear can fuck up the entire timepiece.

    What gear you in, pal?

    • 6
      Barry Williams

      Don – my posts are getting weirder because I am getting weirder.

      The music is okay because it doesn’t come from me.

      As far as saving lives, I’m not so good at that. Hail, I’m trying to spend mine as fast as I can!

      And I tip my hat right back at ya, friend.

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