Many folks entrust the of joy of life to chance and habit.
They excitedly exclaim “Gawd, I’ll be happy when…” and then fill in the details for some required event or behavior upon which their appreciation of life automatically hangs.
Verbalizing stalled satisfaction with consciousness becomes standard operating procedure for these people and before long they’re encouraging everyone around them to spout similar nonsense
so others can also waylay their enjoyment of existence to some time
in the future when their stars are perfectly aligned. Preferring
future circumstances over our present situation reduces
all engagement with Right Now and diminishes any
possibility of committed enrollment in the same
speculative existence we all must embrace.
When we find ourselves denigrating the
very moment in which we live this is
a clear signal that our fascination
facility is upside down and we
should stop, smell the roses
and turn it right-side up to
refill it with the breathless
wonder of here and now.
Thank you, friend.
Barry out.
I use – I await the day…
It takes practice but I await the day don’t set aside contentment with life today.
Sheeoot, on the daze that I am want to say that phrase I need all the happiness I can get and daren’t fire it off to some time tomorrow.