Entitlement is like an invisible fungus that erodes all contact with sound thinking.
If any person considers it in the clan’s best interest for them to have a bigger piece of cake than the people baking said cake, they will eventually encounter rational tribe members who will bring a halt to this process in order for everyone to take a closer peek at the motives of bakery thieves.
Surely by now you realize that sustenance is doled out based on value to the community not ability to sneak under the baker’s cloak to snarf up whatever treats
grubby hands can be laid upon. And just because there are a
bunch of scoundrels assembling in the kitchen doesn’t
make what you folks are thinking of doing any
wiser because as soon as the dessert
tray is empty everyone who
didn’t get any goodies
will be looking for
a piece of you.
Thank you, friend.
Barry out.
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