The Law Of Addtrition

Buddy knew better than to fool with The Plan.

Just because he wants to, that don’t mean he can.

You jump in the car

You’re gonna take a ride

And if the Boss hates maintenance costs

Then you and rides collide.

Do that ten times fast.

So fast that you pass

All need for speed

Though it’s decreed

You maxing out your speedo.

Why make wide roads

And horses hooves

So fast you cannot catch them?

Do the boys need chaos

To make their day?

Is there only one way for them to say

Don’t dare step across that line.

Stay in line and you’ll be fine.

If you step out, you’ll be crying…

Gimme that row to hoe!

Barry Williams

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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