People can do pretty much as they want. (ATW)
- we’re free to assume the government is our benefactor
- with minor effort we believe ginormous invisible entities are protecting us
- whatever we consider to be true is really true
And it’s exactly when we’re doing all this assuming that the door to making an ass of ourselves swings open wide wide wide.
And just inside that room where everything is good and real and nice, our assumptions are being employed against us.
- Governments manage resources, a portion of which is us.
- The omnipotent beings we have imagined into existence find it difficult to save anyone from anything
- Almost all current knowledge is either fully or partially false
As a result, we’ve got troubles aplenty these days and each of us assumes that someone else knows what to do.
We’re just waiting to be told what that is…
Thank you, friend.
Barry out.
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