Doctors won’t talk about each other.
It’s professionally unethical for them to speak poorly of a comrade’s capabilities or judgement.
Even if their comrade has none.
Lawyers are tight lipped about their learned friends and hard pressed to spill any beans about fellow bar tenders unless we’re on the clock.
Peace officers also quickly develop a gang mentality which they too call professionalism and everywhere police exist their cohesiveness is pretty much bound by the Thin Blue Line.
Acting professional might be one of the most warped concepts wrought upon mankind, causing apparently intelligent folks to don tacky toupees, funky fedoras and enough fabric to house a small family. All in the name of acting proper.
From the inception of child indoctrination to the grown-up clubs that academic training generates, these brown blood lines run deep among folks of similar lettered ilk.
And it’s in their exclusive cliques that the cunning, scheming and disregarding plays out.
For the rest of the sad saps twisting in their dark.
Which is quite likely us, no?
Thank you, friend.
Barry out.
The song mentioned in the above video.
Professionalism runs deeeep in the British Police. Only in the British, though…
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