Few folks enjoy being on the ‘pay us by Tuesday or else…’ end of a loan.
The unspoken feeling of indebtedness is a burden on the debtor and
the loan provider can take their rightful place on the natural
hierarchy of reality for being so big hearted and all. The
only thing we have to do is create a system where
we make assurances (like drinking fishways
only every second day) and then surpass
that goal (not imbibing for two days)
and presto chango we’ve got life
right by the ears! It owes us –
not like the bad old days!
Three cheers for time
banker wankers!
Hipp hipp!
Thank you, friend.
Barry out.
Like I always said – if you have time, play with it.
Pile on the days that life owes us and then let that bitch try and pull some stunt…
I’ll have you in my reality so fast it’ll make planets spin.
Fired?! I had a job when I found this one!
And I’ve uh, still got it!