Oh Yeah … And Grant Me The Wisdom To Remember My Scotoma

Every person with peepers must contend with blind spots caused by their optic nerve exiting their eye’s retina.

Although this sounds rather scary when one realizes that double-Decker buses and huge flying machines are also being piloted by humans suffering from blind spots, its really not that big of a deal because our brains fill in this unseen portion of our view automatically and few of us are the wiser for this now-you-see-me-now-you-don’t action taking place.

And because these blind spots don’t seem to exist for most of us we scramble through life

Believing that what we see is what we get without fully understanding

The degree to which any reality might be hidden or contrived.

Just knowing that people cannot totally discern what is

Real or might be magic gives charmers, religious

Leaders and politicians a perfect backdrop

To create substantive evidence out of

Thin air with such certainty that it

Is imperative for each of us

To develop other senses

That will permit folks

To see through


Thank you, friend.

Barry out.




Louvin Brothers – The Great Atomic Power

do you fear this man’s invention
that they call atomic power
are we all in great confusion
do we know the time or hour

when a terrible explosion
may rain down upon our land
leaving horrible destruction
blotting out the works of man

are you, are you ready
for that great atomic power
will you rise and meet your savior in the air
will you shout or will you cry
when the fire rains from on high
are you ready for that great atomic power

there is one way to escape
and be prepared to meet the lord
when the mushroom of destruction fallsthere is a shielding sword

he will surely stand beside you
and you’ll never taste of death
for your soul will fly to safety
and eternal peace and rest

are you, are you ready
for that great atomic power
will you rise and meet your savior in the air
will you shout or will you cry
when the fire rains from on high
are you ready for that great atomic power

Lyrics courtesy: http://www.cowboylyrics.com/lyrics/uncle-tupelo/atomic-power-545.html

Barry Williams http://barry-williams.com/blog

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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