Most folks have something only Dick Tracy had a few years ago.
They talk on it, text on it and take waay too many photos
with it but one thing they don’t do is leave home with
out it because that would be tantamount to heresy,
the meaning of which many of them would have
to quickly look up on their favorite browser.
Thank you, friend.
Barry out.
Silly religious people…carrying around their bibles…
Apple patent could remotely disable protesters’ phone cameras
That ZDNET article is pretty scary. Everyone having phones and social media were supposed to level the playing field when it comes to providing transparency to those in power. I’m sure it won’t take long for hackers to find a way around this though.
Thanks for the great blog btw!
Jennifer recently posted..Abdominal Cuts Active for Women
Scary is right! We might have to rely on actual people rather than reasonable facsimiles…