Howdy compadre.
First off, let me thank you so very, very much for investing your time to read my blog.
As anyone who has perused any of my articles over the past few months will know, I hover real close to what many health practitioners would call crazy.
Now, being crazy ain’t so bad but sometimes its even harder than mediocrity to maneuver and right now I feel my wackiness acting up to the point where it’s making my thinker skip a beat.
I just need a short break friends, a wee breath of fresh air and then I’ll get my nose directly back on the old mind grindstone.
Your cards containing cash are especially appreciated but hey, let’s face it – I’m not “being called home” or anything so even if you just wait for a bit, I’ll be right back.
Thanks kindly, pal.
Barry out.
PS. I’m still doing the comment thing so please, leave a chunk of your mind for me.
Hi Barry
Crazy/normal is only a matter of opinion, I have met many so called normal people who are so up their own arse that in reality they are the real crazies. I would say you are ‘different’ Barry and I like different, be it people, food, drink, locations or whatever.
I know you have been busy with your offline business and after all that must be your priority at the moment, blogging has to take a back seat sometimes.
Bill Murney recently posted..Bobby Hackett
Good idea to take a break Barry, and an even better idea to let everyone know that’s what your doing, rather than suddenly disappear from this blog. 8)
I know that Bill has been a hard task master, 😉 getting your eBook into production, and with ‘real world’ businesses to manage I can understand how this would all mount up into unnecessary stress.
I will miss your unique posts, but have a break, enjoy the holiday season, and come back recharged and refreshed in the New Year.
John McNally recently posted..The Value of BLOG Commenting
Hi Barry,
Feeling cold? like a relaxing holiday on the Sunshine coast of Australia?
Then you can fucking forget it!!! It’s 10 foot under water due to the floods. And don’t think that it is over yet. There is more torrential rain on the way.
It’s called ‘La Nina’ (ie. pissing down) as distinct from ‘el nino’, which means ‘dry as a nun’s twat’.
In either case, it is a damn site warmer that -40. I cannot understand why you stay.
Merry Christmas
Don Maisey recently posted..Happy Birthday To Me