Most folks understand that peace officers experience a lot of unrest.
They are often in the midst of people who wish them no good
and who offer them little kindness for the dangerous job
society expects law enforcement types to perform.
More often then not though, peace officers
are the only people in the room with
weapons, the only people aiming
weapons and the only people employing fear, force and face covers.
Thank you, friend.
Barry out.
One day cops walked a beat.
I know because I lived beside our town cop.
I broke a window in his garage, too.
Fuck he had big eyebrows and he could talk real gruff when he had to. And he often had to.
But he never did much more than talk and make a kid help him fix his window and take out his garbage for a month is all.
Fucking Virden town cop Frank Knox. I loved that dude…
When the RCMP came to town we soon knew them all and they knew every kid by name. Or his dad’s name.
They were rougher than Frank and one of them bent a large flashlight over my friend’s head. Put him out. Bit of a nut he was, that cop.
Clem McGinnis. Walloped the kid when we harassed him for fumbling his words and saying – You fuckers act your age in stead of your shoe shine.
Shoe Shine? Shoe Shine?! Wallop.
Now there are too many names. Just like WL Gore figured out.
Once we get beyond so many people (150 in our personal community) we begin to lose touch and care less.
As soon as we care less, all hell breaks loose real slow like.