Everything has a cost.
But it also has a benefit. Just not always to the same folks.
As in:
Torching sorcerers is a good thing for…
-Land owners where wood lives
-WoodCutters and wood haulers
-Wood storage shed builders
-Burning stake and fire builders
-Rope sellers and manufacturers
-Local businesses on the big day
-Da State and all its minions: judges, the king’s sheriffs, stinking occultist lawyers, courthouse reporters, janitors & maintenance fiends
-Grave diggers
-Head stone carvers
And that’s just off the top of my noggin.
Thank goodness we don’t terrorize innocents anymore.
With expensive, stupid wars on ghosts.
Thank you, friend.
Barry out.
58,000 Canadians burned for Steak & Potatoes in 2010. Yep, we’re still a crazy race doing crazy, crazy things.
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