This Guy Is Not My Friend

My mom died on January 18, 2022.

She died of loneliness.

She contracted a bad case of politics which quickly progressed into full on fear, radioactivity, transmissibility, ostracism, and segregation.

Because she was unvaccinated, she was incarcerated in her $3,000 per month room where she endured perpetual quarantine and a very limited personal contact.

The care home told us this was for mom’s protection. They couldn’t risk one of mom’s unvaccinated family infecting her with covid19.

For the last six weeks of mom’s life, the care home refused to allow us to visit her. Prior to that, our regular visits were conditioned with plastic coveralls, latex gloves, and medical masks under a clear visor. Mom was so confused. Take that stuff off so I can see your face! Mom would say.

I asked a care home worker if I really had to don all this silly garb. She threatened to call management and curtail my visits if I didn’t comply.

Mom’s care home went into lockdown. Extreme precaution was taken to ensure the safety of the residents.

After 6 weeks of lockdown and zero visits for the unvaccinated, my mom was infected with covid19 and transferred to palliative care where she died without family 48 hours later.

They listed covid19 as a cause of moms death but what really killed her was the fucking copious amount of stupidity that surrounded her. Stupidity is the nicest description of this evil behavior that caused seemingly intelligent humans to lose their minds. All rationality and logic was tossed out with a million babies and those fucking bastards killed my mother.

Game on fucktards.

Barry Williams

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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