See there, Canada and the United States are browning up nicely.
Everyone reading this must pay their bills. Please, please pay your bills.
Don’t keep going out and getting new and more loans from
uncle Whatcha Mcallit just so you can drive the
fanciest aircraft and buy your own world
warrior. Save your money, pay your
bills all the way, not on time and
fer heavens sake don’t waste
yer hard earned loot tryin
to dublit up on the poni… hey, some of these are getting burnt.
Thank you, friend.
Barry out.
I predict company in my bad debtor boat.
Is debt an unpaid bill?
Who is the payer of said bill?
Oh? When are they moving in?
Well let’s all hope that this year will be abundant year for all of us.
Janis T. Obrien recently posted..MLM