Magicians and politicians know how easy it is to fool folks.
It’s pretty simple, really.
All you have to do is point people in a direction and unless they have a strong constitution, they will continue to go the way they are aimed.
For example: Instead of causing alarm over nearly total devaluation of a currency, get the populace to focus on how the value of their possessions has jumped.
And people will just nod and go along with the show…
Thank you, friends.
Barry out.
How about this financial indicator?
Investment required to own a Hershey chocolate bar:
in 1908 – 2 cents
1921 – 5 cents
1968 – 5 cents
1969 – 10 cents
1974 – 15 cents
1977 – 20 cents
1978 – 25 cents
1982 – 30 cents
1983 – 35 cents
1986 – 40 cents
2010 – $1
See more food prices here:
Derren Brown shows how blind to change we really are. Frightening.
A dollar for a Hershey Bar? That’s no bang for my buck 🙂
Hansi recently posted..Wrestling at the Olympic
Somebody did the same thing here in England Barry, using a Mars Bar as the measure. The Mars bar got smaller on a couple of occasions when they didn’t want to increase the price so they reduced the size instead.
Has the Hershey Bar remained the same size over that whole period? I don’t want to give you something else to worry about, but that’s definitely a factor for obtaining a true comparism.
Being pedantic in Leamington Spa, England
John McNally recently posted..How to AVOID the Finger!
Yeah, that’s my point exactly. WHY do they alter the packaging?
The scary part about inflation is that it insidiously steals wealth from the poor and transfers it to whomever has the majority of assets.
The UK went through hyper inflation in the 1970’s but this time I believe we are seeing world wide effects signaling the detriment of many millions of people who are addicted to fake pensions.
This fraud being perpetuated upon the populace is huge with long term effects and I don’t see any way out other than total self reliance and a complete reversal of people relying on the state for their existence.
Even the concept of financial saving for the future has monstrous implications to each person who truly believes that there is a time coming where we will all be worth less, hence the dire need to collect diminishing value as we progress.
We have been led down a beautiful garden path which I fear turns into a deadly precipice just around the next corner.
She’ll be coming around the mountain all right and I want to be standing off to one side when she blows through our whistle stop.
Thanks for the comments John, I really appreciate it.