Let's say you're one of those folks who has never vaped potty pot pot. Well, smartypants, that's not going to help you here much is it?!
Get your tickets ready please!
Oh uh, hello there. How you doing?
Listen, my name is Barry and I'm the Conductor on this train so if you need anything, you just ask me, okay?
The bathrooms are right over there and please, pick up after yourself on account of I clean the place, too.
And uh, seeing as you're not from around here I'll just tell you straight out - although every story you might hear on this train is true, some stories are "truer" than others, if you can read between the rails...
Anyway, thanks for stopping by and, y'all come back now, y'hear?
Have a grand day, friend.
Barry Williams
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Welcome back from the edge Barry.
I have just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, so I think I know what you have been going through. Keep climbing back, it’s sunnier up here in the real world.
Leamington Spa, England
John McNally recently posted..Is Anyone Making Money Online
Hey John, thanks a lot.
I tried several legal, doctor approved mind altering medications over the years and none worked to make me “normal” and I am no longer convinced that what I feel is a malady.
What if the entire world is consciously or subconsciously heading for homogeneity, making the rest of us stand out because they all took one step backwards?
I don’t feel crazy discussing reality with you and your weird friends but out in the regular prison population, I feel and my actions portray the beliefs of a madman.
Which I am okay with.
In fact, just like John Lilly – unsanity suits me – I am finer than frog’s hair and just going through a change.
Thank you so much for your concern and honesty pal.