Buddy Hates Christmas

People buying shit that nobody needs.

Stores selling shit that is based on greed.

Half of their income from this shit, please…

Crazy, this tradition yet nobody sees

What is the reason for this display.

Is it so the little people all can say

We are so happy for just today

Cause by the next light this all goes away.

Then it’s back to reality

The one with no gifts.

Where the bills come due and

The whole scene shifts

To despair, they don’t care

That you went into debt

For things unwrapped that they soon forget

Stole from today, the happiness gone.

Now comes the need to trudge along.

Pay down the happiness, the debt you bear

While those with the gifts are unaware

And now, with their loot

They just don’t care

Christmas is some payments away.

Barry Williams http://barry-williams.com/blog

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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