Pissing In Satan’s Cornflakes

Lucifer said “here, take my hand”

But Buddy had two already.

He wasn’t in need, and likely three,

Would take a wee bit getting used to.

He worked quite well with these two.

But Lucifer, impatient,

Went on a rant so Hell bent

That Buddy changed his mind

And said okay.

He’d take that third hand

Lucifer said “oh, swell, grand!”

But only if you shove it up your ass!

The L Man thought a bit

The Bud man saw the pit

The pit of Hell.

They knew damn well

One of them was heading there

The game was do or dare

Ol Luce said “please beware… I run this game.”

Buddy replied “same”

That broke Ol Luce’s spell

As far as Bud could tell

He was on his own now.

He was in his zone now.

The time had come

To kick some Bad Guy ass!

Barry Williams http://barry-williams.com/blog

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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