The Will To Power Has a Strange Way of Capturing People

Jeff Immelt No Pun Intended

Jeffrey Immelt Down and before him: Neutron Jack.

Everyone at some level wants to be top dog.

And some of the folks vying for said position do weird shite to be there.

Really weird.

The highest blow job in the highest oval office. Barry Sealed cases of cash and white powder. And emailed photos of privates while everyone else on the planet does the “up agin the wall – NOW!” thing.

Pretty different thinking all right but if these folks aren’t quite different from Joe Average they won’t win our attention, much less our support.

And they sure can’t stay in any games.

Like salmon in a piranha tank – they donate themselves to the cause.

“What cause?” should be the question we ask but hey, there’s a circus in town and look over there… TICKETS! Get Your Tickets!

Thank you, friend.

Barry out.

And guess what? Something is going on BESIDES that shite!

Radiation in Tokyo June 7, 2011. Not real good for property values, in any way. Thanks so very much, Jack, Jeff and team.

Now, take a pill…

Barry Williams

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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