What Does Your YouTube Channel Tell The World About You?

barry williams youtube november 2010
That’s not me but my guy’s coming up…

Here, take a look at my youtube channel.

What does it tell you about me?

I’ve been a Toober for four years now and in Internet time that’s waay over a century so I would hope that means something, right? 😎

The thousands of videos I have already watched have taught me a tremendous amount about many varied and unrelated subjects from three dimensional sound to philosophy and quantum physics but some of the best videos are the ones I coincidentally find while I am searching for something else. The ability to obtain accidental knowledge is POWER! (whoa! look at that passion!)

Does it show that I frigging LOVE YouTube!

This single website is my entertainment center, my how-to library and because of his fabulous, new medium, I now personally store many gigabytes of video somewhere deep in the folds of my mind.  And I know that all that knowledge is affecting me.

The question is…how?

As a reader of this blog, can you tell where some of my stories originated just by noticing which videos I have collected? Do the videos I’ve gathered say something about my character? My style?

Does what we watch really affect us that much?

I would appreciate your comments on our new social transparency and whether you think I’m headed in the wrong direction by hiding in plain view.

Thank you, friend.

Barry out.

PS. You can get to my channel by clicking on this video below and then the link to barrywilliamsmb below the video.

Barry Williams http://barry-williams.com/blog

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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  1. 1
    Bill Murney

    Hi Barry

    Your YouTube videos portray the same message as your blog i.e. you are a competent, fun loving guy with a great sense of humour and a deep thinker to boot.

    As you may have noticed I don’t do long comments, why use 1000 words when 100 will do!


  2. 3
    John McNally

    I’ve noticed your posts are getting shorter Barry. 8) I don’t think you lose anything by this, and you may gain more readers. 😉

    Your intro video was short and sweet, with pleasant background music. I spent the whole time wondering what books you have on the shelves behind you? Perhaps you could do a video sweep for all us bookworms out here.

    I didn’t know that a lot of your posts orginated from YouTube, I just assumed you had an eclectic book collection. 😆

    I’ve no doubt that the newspapers and books I read subtly changes my mind, so watching videos must also have an effect. We are the sum total of all our sensory inputs filtered by our individual character.

    I started life as a right wing conservative, and now find that I’m a left wing liberal. 😳 I’m the same person, but life experiences have changed my outlook.

    John McNally recently posted..TOP 1 of BLOGS for TRAFFIC

    • 4
      Barry from Saskatchewan

      @John McNally,
      I have about 800 books on my shelves and while I’ve only read about 750 of them, many I’ve read two and three times as my opinion and attitude adjusts.

      I’ve probably watched 20,000 videos and some of them were mind blowing and caused me much post-watching research.

      Lots of material waiting in the sidelines for upcoming posts on things that will interest you. More on my Emotional Grid series with evidence from the understanding of entrainment which shows how disconnected oscillating systems fall into synchrony over time.

      I’m telling you friend, there’s something out there. I can here it!

      As for the shorter posts, your friend Bill is such a slave driver that I have to keep my nose to the ebook grindstone.

      Just days away from having our first book completed and the process taught me lots about producing a book and I am actually astonished how much I learned about the subject matter – effective workplace humor.

      Thanks for your comments John, your time is much appreciated.


  3. 5

    Hi Barry,

    You’ve done a great self-video. I notice you like Thunderbirds. They were my first favourite TV show when I was going to school.

    Can you show me how to do a self video? I have a web-cam, but I look like a cross between Dracula and Moriarty and I sound like a drone.

    At my age, never trust a fart.

    Don recently posted..What a Mouth

  4. 7
    Theresa Sives

    Hi Barry

    I’ve got my ticket and I have to say that your posts are always great fun.

    I thought that this was a really good post and you raised a point that most of us have never even considered (what do the videos that we choose to post, say about us)?

    I thought that your own self video was really well done and like Don, I would like to know just how you did it. Therefore, if you had the time to do a post on how you accomplished it, then I to would be an avid reader.

    Best, Theresa

  5. 9

    Hey Barry,

    Have you been pinching my YT videos? I didn’t think Eagle Rock was a hit in Canada, and Black Dog was a reference to the Black Dog Institute in Australia, which is a place for depression, and believe me, I’ve got depression to die for. Lucky the pills are working today.

    Don recently posted..The Environment

    • 10
      Barry Williams

      Thanks Don.

      Yes, I have been pinching your videos and yes, the black dog visits me, too.

      Over the years I believe I have taught myself to reduce my depressive cycles to minutes or hours where at one time it was days and sometimes weeks. Perhaps we are the lucky ones, Don because to the degree that a person can feel pain, they can experience joy in the same fashion.

      You must have some pretty joyful times, my friend… 😎


  6. 11
    Barry Wells

    Hi Barry,

    YouTube is a great way of getting ourselves out there. I’ve been a member for about 18 months now and have loaded 18 of my own videos.

    I’ve been over to your channel and sent a friend request. Your channel is very bright Barry, i’m not to clever with colours myself (but thats another story) so i have mine in white, boring i know but i know what colour it is ha ha.

    Have you ever thought of creating a YT product and passing on the knowledge you’ve gained there?

    Catch up soon Barry,

    The other Barry 😉
    Barry Wells recently posted..Magic Words and Phrases To Help Make Your eBay Auction A Successful One

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