Admit You Are a Slave and The Truth Shall Set You Free

Hello fellow indentured servant, how goes life with you?

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Barry Williams and I am owned by some banks, a country, my neighborhood and my family.

Yes, just like you, I am a slave.

But I Kinda Feel Like I Am In Control

Now, don’t get me wrong.

I fully  understand that no self respecting “free person” 🙂 is going to openly admit that they have willing placed themselves into long term servitude unless they are presented with big time reasons as to the validity of that assertion.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

So, without further ado, lets get straight to my supporting evidence which will be delivered through a well known attention getter, the cat ‘o nine tails.

Here we go:

Lash 1Your life never did belong to you and is owned today mostly by folks unknown and unseen.

  • As Long As You Live Under My Roof – Lets call your parents the primary masters of you know who.
  • Detention Hall, Hell and Fines – Pretty soon school teachers, church reps, librarians and cross-walk guards took control of you.
  • Everyone Has a Number – The Government through Police Officers, Public Officials, Bureaucrats and Border Guards now master you. After all, you owe some of the national debt, right? Check your country’s debt: US Canada UK
  • Glug, Glug, Glug. Unwrap, Unwrap, Unwrap – Corporations control almost every contemplation you consider. From the food you eat to the underwear you snap on. They decide when, where and how much you will tithe to fulfill your roll as consumer.
  • The Invisible Line Has Spoken – Travel where you like but be prepared for everything to change big time based on unseen geographical lines. You might be acting criminal at this very moment because you just entered a different culture.

Lash 2 – You hold the title to nothing.

Pay your house off and neglect the king’s property taxes for a couple of years to see if you are the rightful owner of that land. Try driving your fully “owned” vehicle without licensing, registration or insurance.

Lash 3 – Your travel is restricted and knowledge geographically irrelevant without approval.

Professional designations like Doctor, Pharmacist, Lawyer, Mechanic are provided and disqualified by geographical location. Whether a slave mechanic or slave doctor, local approval is required.

Lash 4 – You Are Lied To About Lying.

Police can mislead or trick you with impunity but it is verboten to reciprocate. Disingenuous activity from both government and corporations is normal and almost expected today while truthful, common folks are represented as naive.

Slavery And Freedom Are An Inside Job

When we finally admit that somebody is standing over us right now, making certain that we are productive this afternoon or that our lawns never exceed a certain height, we are recognizing the limitations upon us and that is a good thing.

“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal – that there is no human relation between master and slave” Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Bob Dylan had it right when he lamented that “You’re Gonna Have To Serve Somebody” but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing when one realizes that there are choices on who we might serve.

C’mon, let’s saddle up!

Perhaps we could start by serving ourselves with a better understanding of reality so each of us can make more informed choices.

After all, the most significant master we should be indebted to is the one providing all the value – Ourselves.

And I want my dude to get better service from his slave!

Thank you, friend.

Barry out.

Links related to this article:

Real Time United States Debt Counter

Canada Real Time Debt Counter

United Kingdom Real Time Debt Counter

Website for Canadian Policing Procedures

Injustice Busters Website – Canadian Law Gone Wrong

Barry Williams

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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  1. 1

    Hi Barry, I really enjoyed reading this very interesting post. It made me smile thinking, this guy Barry is right on a lot of points. Your posts make a great change from reading about marketing stuff!


    • 2
      Barry Williams

      Okay, I’m going to take that as a compliment… 🙂

      Thanks so much, Ray.

      I love the way you write on your own blog. You cover some very serious issues in an open, honest manner that anyone can identify with.

      Thank you for adding your voice to the big one called us.

      Later, pal.


  2. 3
    Barry Wells

    Hi Barry, Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I’m about to reply to it but wanted to check out your blog with the new plugins as that is what we were talking about on my blog. Now i can reply and tell you how good your blog looks.

    Onto your post Barry: I’ve never really thought of it before but you’re right. Especially with the lash 2 as so many people have discovered during the credit crisis.

    I got over lash 1 by moving into my own place, but that moved me to lash 2.

    Here in the UK we have a saying “look out for number 1” and i have to agree with that because if number 1 isn’t in good order how can number 2, 3, 4 etc be alright?

    The thing is number 1 has to open their eyes and make the right choices as you say.

    Good post Barry and very thought provoking.

    Thanks, the other Barry

    • 4
      Barry Williams

      Thanks Buddy, I appreciate your comment.

      Isn’t it true that today we’re asked to think of global warming, distant wars and so many other aspects of reality that we have little time for ourselves?

      We almost have to steal time from our own lives in order to step back and see a more complete picture of what is going on. See, this is the exact reason why I don’t drive a car because every time I start thinking, my eyes close and folks start getting all upset and stuff. Have they never heard of defensive driving?!

      Oh yeah, your comment… 😉

      Thanks muchly, Mr. Wells.

      Have a grand day, pal.


  3. 7

    Hi Barry

    I popped over the other day to your site and read everything; wow your head must be buzzing. I always find your posts to be spot on and you have a knack of cutting to the hart of the matter. You also have a very unique way of seeing the world and writing about it. You always provide something completely different and completely unpredictable.

    Well Done!

    Best, Theresa

  4. 8
    Barry Williams

    Hey Theresa,

    Thank you so much for stopping by.

    I believe I have one side of the 1267 or so sides of life figured out and that knowledge compels me to describe what I believe to be true.

    I just wish more of it was un-prosecutable.

    Have a grand day, missus.


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