Doubt = The Devil’s Best and Most Used Tool

Belief is an incredible capacity possessed by everyone.

It isn’t always right though and sometimes it kills innocent people, gets the wrong folks promoted and drives valuable financial stocks into the toilet.

But today, like every other day, belief will alter the course of humanity even though our use of it teeters on the flimsiest of evidence.

And although it doesn’t take much effort for belief to work its magic it requires even less to blow it all to kingdom come.

This Seed Moves Mountains

Believing there is a reply to every question allows receptive minds the latitude to recognize relevant feedback when it reveals itself.

If answers exist as our belief says they must, it stands to reason that some solutions will be easy and some will be tough.

Start with the easy ones and create a path for the really big, sticky solutions to follow.

As in: moving mountains by looking where they are not.

With the faith of a tiny seed, this is possible.

All we have to do is believe.

Thank you, friend.

Barry out.

Barry Williams

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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  1. 1
    John McNally

    Glad to see you using a Gary Glitter track Barry. He was a great laugh when he was in his prime. I saw his Xmas show twice, and the audience were all dressed in glitter.

    He is effectively banned from UK jukeboxes, because he had sex with a 15 year old girl. (One of his groupies he couldn’t resist). That makes him the Devil incarnate over here, and they say WE’RE not very religious. 🙄

    Leamington Spa, England
    John McNally recently posted..Internet Marketing – Portfolio Work

    • 2
      Barry Williams

      Yeah, I chose GG for the reason that he broke social taboos all over the place.

      In the days of Alexander the Great it was legal for married men to have sexual relationships with boys as young as

      My grandmother was 15 when my 37 yr old grandfather married her.

      The age thing between consenting adults is all over the map and Mr Glitter may have been a man out of time. Or he could just be a weirdo…

      Thanks John.

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