Wrongaholic Twelve Step Program: Step 2 – Everyone Makes Mistakes So Get Over It

wrongaholic step 2 graphicSome folks dislike everybody.

They consider their boss to be a moron, coworkers as turds and the remaining useful idiots around them as prime candidates for the Nincompoop Party.

What these folks are unconsciously displaying is the desperate need for a dough see dough through Step Two of the Wrongaholic Program.

Sandbar Dead Ahead

Wrongaholics have been at the helm of of the good ship humanity for some time and evidence in the way of piles of bodies and lots of wrecked stuff provides a mountain of hints that Wrongaholic thinking has hindered mankind’s progress in major ways.

But that’s the big picture, today we are only focusing on getting our minds wrapped around Step 2 of the Twelve Steps.

In Step 1 of the Wrongaholic Twelve Steps we discussed how to get the party started and in this next section we will contemplate what it means to have active cohorts in the Mistake Movement. A clear concept of our personal reality will evolve only through understanding that errors are a natural part of evolution and need not be attributed to ourselves or individuals on Team Fallacy.

Wrongaholic Program Step 2 – Everyone Makes Mistakes So Get Over It

One would think that in a world filled with incredible potential that cutting other folks slack would be business as usual but that certainly is not the case when it comes to pointing fingers and assigning responsibility. As a sentient race we’ve been doing this for ages – looking to the skies, crystals and all manner of environmental cues for the reason why things happen as they do.

Evolution Happens from The Inside Out

We have accomplished much as a civilization, even though for most of our history we focused our praise and fear on forces and foes who were external and unseen to us. Our modern age will not afford us that luxury.

The fast pace of existence demands that we get better and faster at whatever we attempt and a deciding factor whether we are able to effect control of ourselves is our ability to maintain a focus on what is working, not what doesn’t.

And that is exactly what Step 2 will give you – the freedom to climb off other people’s backs so you can redirect that attention toward problem solving.

Now that’s a big step in the right direction.

Thank you, friend.

Barry out.

Wrongaholic Program Step 1 – Admit You Are Powerless Over Mistakes

Wrongaholic Program Step 3 – Grab The Cosmic Bull By The Horns

Wrongaholic Program Step 4 – Who The Hell Are You?

Barry Williams http://barry-williams.com/blog

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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      • 3
        Barry Williams

        Hey buddy, the last thing I need is for my number one comment poster to be unable to post comments!

        I’m going to:

        1. Write a nasty and threatening email to the developers at wordpress.
        2. While I’m in the mood I might just dash off a letter to our Prime Minister about cleaning up the attitudes in parliament.
        3. If that goes well I will likely strap some flags to my walker and head off across the country on a marathon to protest Canada’s unwillingness to allow baby seals to become landed citizens of our great nation.
        4. Depending on the support from that endeavor, my next tour of duty will likely be to Afghanistan where I will be filling the time honored role of delivering chocolate covered Tim Horton donuts to our troops fighting that futile war.

        But first, of course, I need to have a couple of brewskiis and ponder my actions.

        My only fear is that the frosty, beckoning beggars will taste so good and work their magic so well that eventually I will just feel like getting slammed and forget the whole thing.

        Now that I think about it, I realize that I know waaaay more about the capacities of beer than wordpress comments. Maybe I better stick to what I know…

        Thanks so much for your comments John. They are much appreciated.

          • 5
            Barry Williams

            My friend,

            One of the people I have working with me at this huge social awareness organization is a certain Mr. Akismet.

            Dude is in charge of our mail room and he apparently didn’t realize that you are our number one subscriber and promptly redirected your letters to the Too Nice To Be Real box.

            I went into Akismet’s office, smacked him and cleaned out a pile of old letters that had already started stinking like spam.

            Imagine, friend! Akismet thinking you were spam! I’ve got my eye on him now so it shouldn’t happen again.

            A million thank yous for your diligence John. Much appreciated.

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