I Resemble That Remark

graphic showing two guys with jim cochrum and john thornhill names overtopSince joining John Thornhill’s Masterclass of online entrepreneurs, I feel different. Very different.

Perhaps its the birds of a feather thing that is getting on me because JT certainly does have some winners hanging with him.

Not much wonder that John Thornhill and Jim Cochrum are friends and I’m honored to be emulating their fantabulous philosophies.

Hip Hip For The New Trip!

Yep, it definitely feels different once a person sets out on the journey of their lives.

For some folks its a trip or a vacation, for others its a calling to perhaps a new vocation or belief system but for me its recognizing the fact that I remember this “new” land we’re headed to. I recall the rich, earthy aroma of this wagon and I feel fortunate to be traveling under favorable conditions.

And grateful for not being keel hauled like that last cruise I was on. Oy, those barnacles!

After following through with my mentor’s urgings and writing a few blog posts and a couple of ezinearticles, I feel pretty dang good about me. Its a too rare opportunity and one that I intend to peat and re peat.

Built By The Wind

graphic showing two kids hitting a pinatta
Teach kids early how to hit stuff blindfolded

Ideas today are a dime a dozen and in reality much cheaper than that. Lets call it FREE. If ideas are free then we must be living in a time when Connecting The Ideas is where its at!

Whoo Hoo Hoo! That’s so easy! Connecting the friggin dots, err, ideas!

I guess you can tell I’m a little excited but traveling with a sure fire wagon train can do that to a person. The only thing I’m concerned about now is where does a pilgrim take a dump out here?

Hmmm. Problems, always problems.

Get yours soon, y’hear?

Thank you, friend.

Barry out.

Barry Williams http://barry-williams.com/blog

Much of what I write will be quite understandable to insane folks.

The rest will be, uh, less understandable...

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  1. 1
    Kelly Bradley

    Hi Barry,

    From the sounds of your post, I’m betting that your in the UK! I am in the US and this post reminded me of what the early pioneers who headed west looking for gold must have felt. They ventured off to a “new” land with the promise of riches. However, I would say that we are in a much better position than they were because they didn’t KNOW there would still be gold when they arrived. We know that by following John’s program, we will strike gold. He has taken out the guesswork for us and all we have to do is commit and see it through. Much better odds, wouldn’t you say?

    Keep up the good work!


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